Sichuan Languang Development Says Sale of Chengdu Dikang Pharmaceutical Is Strategic Decision
Tue Mar 9, 2021 7:20 pm High Yield Bonds

With the Asia Core Credit team publishing more than 20 updates on Sichuan Languang so far this year, it has certainly been “one to watch.” In response to the disposal of drug maker Chengdu Dikang Pharmaceutical in July 2020, Languang denied that the sale was due to its liquidity needs. Languang has been trying to introduce shareholders and sell Dikang when appropriate since 2019. It pointed out that the timing of the announcement of the sale was a function of the natural progression of the negotiations.

Please click through to read an update from Thu 03/04/2021, and request a trial to read our full coverage of Sichuan Languang.

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